Micotox® analytical methods are highly reliable methods for the determination of the most important mycotoxins in different substrates. Most of these methods are official AOAC methods or official Colombian methods (ICONTEC). Click on the icon to access a portable document file (pdf) of the method of interest.

The following publications are in portable document file (pdf) format. If you do not have Acrobat reader installed in you computer click the Adobe icon below to access the website:


Determination of aflatoxins in cereal grains and nuts by HPLC

Determination of aflatoxins in cereal grains and nuts by HPLC with PHRED (AOAC 2005.08)

Determination of deoxynivalenol (DON) in cereal grains by HPLC

Determination of zearalenone in cereal grains by HPLC

Determination of ochratoxin A in cereal grains by HPLC

Determination of ochratoxin A in cereal grains by TLC

Determination of type-A trichothecenes in cereal grains by TLC

Determination of patulin in juice and solid samples by HPLC – Easy push format

Determination of patulin in juice and solid samples by HPLC – SPE format

Determination of cyclopiazonic acid in peanuts and corn by HPLC


Should you need more information about analytical methods for mycotoxins, please do not hesitate to contact our technical support department, write to